Description of the facility

The zoo is very poorly accessible. The parking spots are not suitably designed.
The ticket office windows at the entrance are placed too high and do not have contrasting visual markings.
The paths in the zoo are unpaved (gravel or soil) and do not have tactile floor markings. The paths near the entrance can be traversed by wheelchair users; further afield, the paths turn uphill and the slope is too steep. The ramps to the sea lion exhibit are provided, but they are not suitably designed for wheelchair users. Part of the fencing for the cheetah and the bear enclosures is completely glassed in, enabling wheelchair users to easily observe the animals. Numerous access points to individual buildings to different animal habitats feature high steps in the form of wooden beams. Many glass surfaces near the fenced in habitats do not have contrasting visual markings.
The zoo also has a shop and a café. There is not sufficient room to manoeuvre in the shop, and the shape of the tables in the café prevent front access to wheelchair users.
There are accessible toilet rooms near the café.


People with mobility impairments:

  • The main entrance to the building is accessible,
  • The building has accessible sanitary facilities.

People with visual impairments:

  • The entrance to the building is easily recognizable,
  • The ticket office window is located in the immediate vicinity of the entrance.

People with hearing impairments:

  • The reception desk is adequately lit and enables lip-reading and interpreting facial expressions.



People with mobility impairments:

  • The accessible parking spot is not suitably designated,
  • The height of the ticket office windows is not adapted to wheelchair users,
  • The outside paths are gravel and are too step in most of the zoo,
  • The slope of the ramps to the sea lion area is unsuitable,
  • Entryways to animal habitats have high steps in the form of wooden beams,
  • There is not sufficient room to manoeuvre in the shop,
  • The tables in the café prevent front access to wheelchair users.

People with visual impairments:

  • The paths are not marked with tactile floor markings,
  • The necessary information is not provided audibly or in a tactile manner.

People with hearing impairments:

  • The reception desk is not equipped with an induction loop.