Description of the facility

The museum is partially accessible. The access path from the car park to the main entrance does not have any obstacles for people with mobility impairments. Wheelchair users can enter the museum through the main doors if both door panels are open. There are stairs and an unsecured ramp in the lobby that do not have contrasting visual markings.
The museum’s exhibition spaces are spread across the basement, ground floor and first floor of the museum building. The building does not have a lift.
Wheelchair users can only access the ground floor and the first floor where there is sufficient room to manoeuvre. An inclined lifting platforms is installed for access to the first floor, but its load capacity is only 250 kg and is unsuitably sized.
At the door between the exhibition space there are thresholds with ramps with slopes of up to 14%. An inadequate raised glass walkway appears in part of the exhibition space on the first floor.
The building does not have accessible sanitary facilities.
Part of the museum on the ground floor is only accessible through the side entrance for wheelchair users.
The building has stairs, ramps and height obstacles with no contrasting visual markings. The exhibited items do not enable tactile exploration of the exhibited materials.


People with mobility impairments:

  • There is an accessible parking spot near the entrance,
  • Both door panels can be opened at the main entrance,
  • The building has a powered stairlift installed for wheelchair users,
  • There is sufficient room to manoeuvre indoors,
  • The thresholds between spaces have ramps, but they do not have adequate slopes,
  • The exhibited items in the exhibition spaces are placed at a suitable height.

People with visual impairments:

  • The entrance to the building is easily recognizable,
  • The signage and lettering in the building have contrasting visual markings and are readable.

People with hearing impairments:

  • The reception desk is adequately lit and enables lip-reading and interpreting facial expressions,
  • The reception desk glazing is non-reflective or non-glaring.


People with mobility impairments:

  • The gradient of the ramps is not suitable and they are not adequately secured,
  • The main entrance does not have suitable dimensions (with only the right door panel being open)
  • The height of the reception desk is not adapted to wheelchair users,
  • The load capacity of the powered stairlift is only 250 kg,
  • The powered stairlift is not adequately sized,
  • An inadequate raised glass walkway appears in part of the exhibition space on the first floor,
  • The exhibition spaces in the basement are not accessible due to the stairs,
  • The building does not have accessible sanitary facilities.

People with visual impairments:

  • There is no signboard near the main entrance,
  • The reception desk is not located in the immediate vicinity of the entrance,
  • The path to the remote reception desk is not marked with tactile floor markings,
  • The window of the reception desk does not have contrasting visual markings,
  • The signage and lettering in the building are not placed at suitable heights,
  • The edges of stairs and changes of level do not have contrasting visual markings,
  • None of the exhibited items enable tactile exploration of the exhibited material.

People with hearing impairments:

  • The reception desk is not equipped with an induction loop (not a mandatory condition).