Provider information
Monday: closed
Tuesday: from 10:00 to 16:00
Wednesday: from 10:00 to 16:00
Thursday: from 10:00 to 16:00
Friday: from 10:00 to 16:00
Saturday: from 10:00 to 16:00
Sunday: from 10:00 to 16:00
UIRS accessibility assessment
Description of the facility
Description of the Facility
The museum is poorly accessible. There is a high threshold at the entrance on the ground floor where the ticket office is located. Accessibility to the exhibition spaces on the ground floor is hindered by high thresholds. The ground floor also houses non-adapted toilets. Exhibition spaces in the basement and on the first floor are only accessible via stairs. There are often high thresholds between rooms, some of which are marked with contrast markings. In addition to contrast markings, the museum provides exhibits for the blind and visually impaired that enable tactile exploration of the exhibition materials, and tactile guides equipped with Braille.
Mobility impaired:
- Main entrance to the facility is accessible via a ramp,
- There is sufficient maneuvering space inside.
Blind and visually impaired:
- The reception desk is located near the entrance,
- Edges of some stairs (external stairs) are marked with contrast,
- Edges of height differences (thresholds) are marked with contrast,
- Selected exhibits enable tactile exploration of exhibition materials.
Deaf and hard of hearing:
- The reception desk is adequately lit and allows lip reading and facial expression reading.
Mobility impaired:
- Height differences inside (thresholds) are not adequately bridged,
- There is no elevator in the facility,
- There are no adapted sanitary facilities in the facility.
Blind and visually impaired:
- Edges of some stairs are not marked with contrast,
- Edges of some height differences are not marked with contrast.
Deaf and hard of hearing:
- The facility is not equipped with a hearing loop.