Provider information
Monday: closed
Tuesday: from 10:00 to 18:00
Wednesday: from 10:00 to 18:00
Thursday: from 10:00 to 18:00
Friday: from 10:00 to 18:00
Saturday: from 10:00 to 18:00
Sunday: from 10:00 to 18:00
UIRS accessibility assessment
Description of the facility
Facility Description
The museum is partially accessible. The main entrance is located between Maistrova Street and the museum plaza. In the area in front of the entrance, there are several low-contrast marked “obstacles” (posts, depressions in the terrain, benches) and external fire stairs, which can pose a height obstacle for blind and visually impaired individuals when accessing the entrance. The entrance to the building has sliding doors with a level threshold, allowing independent entry for wheelchair users. The entrance doors, due to sloping vertical sides, pose a height obstacle for blind or visually impaired individuals. The exhibition spaces of the museum are located on all three floors, while the bookstore and lecture hall are on the ground floor. All floors of the museum are accessible by elevator and stairs. The exhibition spaces have enough maneuvering space. Inside the building, there are glass surfaces without contrast markings. Exhibits and equipment in the exhibition spaces are of low-contrast colors and are sometimes placed at a height, which can be an obstacle for blind and visually impaired individuals. Some exhibit descriptions are too small or placed too high. Lighting in the building is mostly adequate, except in the sanitary areas, where it is too weak. The lecture hall on the ground floor lacks a hearing loop.
Mobility impaired:
- near the entrance, there is a designated parking space that is not of suitable dimensions (within city parking),
- the main entrance to the building is accessible as automatic sliding doors are installed,
- there is a suitably dimensioned elevator in the building,
- there is enough maneuvering space inside,
- adapted sanitary facilities are available on the ground floor.
Blind and visually impaired:
- elevator buttons are tactile,
- there are no other adaptations.
Deaf and hard of hearing:
- the glazing of the reception desk is non-reflective or shiny,
- the rooms are properly sound-insulated.
Mobility impaired:
- the designated parking space is not of suitable dimensions,
- the entrance doors have sloping vertical sides and can pose an obstacle due to their specific shape,
- rugs at the entrance doors can obstruct wheelchair users,
- the reception desk is not height-adjusted for wheelchair users,
- exhibits in the exhibition spaces are not at suitable heights.
Blind and visually impaired:
- the entrance to the building is not clearly recognizable,
- glass doors are not marked with contrast,
- the entrance doors have sloping vertical sides and can pose an obstacle when entering,
- the reception desk is not located near the entrance,
- the path to the distant reception desk is not tactilely marked,
- the reception desk window is not marked with contrast,
- there are sudden transitions from light to dark spaces in the building,
- signs and inscriptions in the building are not at suitable heights and are not contrast and readable,
- necessary information is not also provided in audio format (no audio guide),
- edges of height differences are not marked with contrast,
- the accessible path is obstructed by hazardous objects (benches, stairs, posts, groove in the pavement),
- the path in the exhibition spaces is obstructed by hazardous objects (unmarked exhibits, display cases, seats),
- obstacles and hazardous objects are not properly marked,
- glass railings are not marked with contrast,
- the railing by the stairs is non-contrast, not properly designed, and does not extend beyond the edge of the last step,
- selected exhibits do not allow tactile learning of the exhibition material.
Deaf and hard of hearing:
- the hall and reception desk are not equipped with a hearing loop.