Provider information
Telephone: +386 13 085 800
Monday: closed
Tuesday: from 08:00 to 15:00
Wednesday: from 12:30 to 19:00
Thursday: closed
Friday: from 12:30 to 19:00
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed
UIRS accessibility assessment
Description of the facility
The library is partially accessible. It is located on the first floor of a larger building. The main entrance is easily accessible. There is sufficient room to manoeuvre at the library entrance and the library counter, but is not sufficient room to manoeuvre with a wheelchair among the bookshelves.
The sanitary facilities are not large enough and are not accessible.
The library has books with larger print and audiobooks available.
People with mobility impairments:
- The main entrance to the building is accessible,
- The height of the reception desk is adapted to wheelchair users.
People with visual impairments:
- The entrance to the building is easily recognizable,
- The reception desk is located in the immediate vicinity of the entrance,
- The signage and lettering in the building have contrasting visual markings and are readable,
- The library has audiobooks and adapted material.
People with hearing impairments:
- The reception desk is adequately lit and enables lip-reading and interpreting facial expressions.
People with mobility impairments:
- There are no accessible parking spots in the car park directly next to the building,
- The library does not have accessible sanitary facilities,
- The layout of the bookshelves does not enable wheelchair access.
People with visual impairments:
- The signboard at the main entrance is unsuitable.
People with hearing impairments:
- The reception desk is not equipped with an induction loop (not an obligatory condition).