Description of the facility

The museum is poorly accessible. Most of the exhibition spaces have been set up as an inclined circular route with no level areas (landings). On the first floor, the central exhibition space that is designed as a circular route as well as areas with smaller additional programs (virtual reality experience, presentation room) are accessed via stairs, which prevents access to wheelchair users.
There is a hall on the ground floor and there are accessible sanitary facilities in the basement. There is a lift providing access to the basement areas and the highest point of the circular route.
The hall is not equipped with an induction loop.   


People with mobility impairments:

  • There is an accessible parking spot near the entrance,
  • The main entrance to the building is accessible,
  • There is sufficient room to manoeuvre indoors,
  • The hall has moveable seating,
  • There is a suitably sized lift in the building,
  • The building has accessible sanitary facilities.

People with visual impairments:

  • The entrance to the building is easily recognizable,
  • The lift buttons have raised tactile letters,
  • Some exhibited items provide information audibly.

People with hearing impairments:

  • The reception desk is adequately lit and enables lip-reading and interpreting facial expressions,
  • The reception desk glazing is non-reflective or non-glaring.


People with mobility impairments:

  • There is a heavy door at the entrance,
  • The height of the reception desk is not adapted to wheelchair users,
  • The changes of level inside are not adequately addressed (the circular ramp to the first floor has no level areas and handrails; the exhibition space on the first floor is inaccessible due to the stairs),
  • The signage next to the exhibited items is not placed at suitable heights,
  • The exhibited items in the exhibition spaces are not placed at suitable heights.

People with visual impairments:

  • The entrance to the building is not suitably marked,
  • The reception desk is not located in the immediate vicinity of the entrance; it is in a separate glass cube,
  • The path to the remote reception desk is not marked with tactile floor markings,
  • The window of the reception desk does not have contrasting visual markings,
  • There are abrupt transitions from light to dark spaces in the building,
  • The signage next to the exhibited items is not placed at suitable heights, 
  • The edges of stairs and changes of level in the basement and the first floor do not have contrasting visual markings,
  • The path is blocked by solitary obstacles (hanging boards, moveable equipment).

People with hearing impairments:

  • The reception desk is not equipped with an induction loop,
  • The reception desk is positioned with windows behind it.