Description of the facility

Description of the Facility

The studio is poorly accessible. The main doors are heavy and have a high threshold. Interior spaces include a reception area with a counter and a photography room. The counter is too high for wheelchair users. The interior lighting is good, and there is sufficient maneuvering space.


Mobility impaired:

  • There is sufficient maneuvering space inside.

Blind and visually impaired:

  • The reception desk is located near the entrance,
  • There are no sudden transitions from bright to dark spaces inside the facility.

Deaf and hard of hearing:

  • The reception desk is adequately lit and allows lip reading and facial expression reading.


Mobility impaired:

  • The entrance to the facility does not allow independent use for wheelchair users,
  • The reception desk is not height-adjusted for wheelchair users.

Blind and visually impaired:

  • The entrance to the facility is not clearly recognizable,
  • The signage at the main entrance is inadequate,
  • Edges of height differences are not marked with contrast.

Deaf and hard of hearing:

  • The reception desk is not equipped with a hearing loop.