Description of the facility

The library is partially accessible. There is a high threshold at the entrance that is not suitably addressed for wheelchair users. The height of the library counter is adapted to wheelchair users and there is sufficient room to manoeuvre between the bookshelves. The building does not have accessible sanitary facilities. 


People with mobility impairments:

  • There is an accessible parking spot near the entrance,
  • The height of the library counter is adapted to wheelchair users,
  • The layout of the bookshelves enables wheelchair access.

People with visual impairments:

  • The entrance to the building is easily recognizable,
  • The library counter is located in the immediate vicinity of the entrance,
  • There are no abrupt transitions from light to dark spaces in the building.

People with hearing impairments:

  • There are no major adaptations.


People with mobility impairments:

  • The change of level (high threshold) at the entrance is not adequately addressed,
  • The building does not have accessible sanitary facilities.

People with visual impairments:

  • The edges of the changes of level (threshold at the entrance) do not have contrasting visual markings.

People with hearing impairments:

  • The library counter is not equipped with an induction loop (not a mandatory condition).