Provider information
Monday: closed
Tuesday: closed
Wednesday: closed
Thursday: closed
Friday: closed
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed
Reduced membership fee for EU card holders – 50%
Free membership for people with intellectual disabilities or their guardians who are members of the Sožitje Society, Planina pri Ajdovščina – 100%
Free access to library materials, services and equipment – 100%
Book at home – free visit to the librarian (agreement) – 100%
Materials with larger letters and audio books are available for the visually impaired.
Access to the biblobus with a wheelchair and for the physically challenged with a lifting platform. Staff assistance.
Toilets for the disabled are not available.
Visits to the bibliobus: In July and August, the traveling library is closed.
Monday: closed
Tuesday: closed
Wednesday: closed
Thursday: closed
Friday: closed
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed