Provider information
Telephone: +386 17 241 204
Monday: from 08:00 to 19:00
Tuesday: from 08:00 to 19:00
Wednesday: from 08:00 to 19:00
Thursday: from 08:00 to 19:00
Friday: from 08:00 to 19:00
Saturday: from 08:00 to 13:00
Sunday: closed
UIRS accessibility assessment
Description of the facility
The library is easily accessible. The library is located on the first floor of the Mercator Shopping Centre. The entrance to the building has automatic glass sliding doors that do not have clear signage about the library. The library is accessible from the entryway vestibule on the ground floor via the stairs or lift.
The entrance to the library has glass sliding doors. There is enough room to manoeuvre in the library for wheelchair users. The library area is adequately lit. The library has a hall with moveable seating that is equipped with an induction loop.
People with mobility impairments:
- There is an accessible parking spot near the entrance,
- The main entrance to the building is accessible,
- The main entrance has an automatic (sliding) door,
- The automatic library checkout machine in the vestibule on the first floor is placed at a suitable height,
- The height of the library counter is adapted to wheelchair users,
- The changes of level inside have been suitably addressed,
- There is a suitably sized lift in the building,
- The building has accessible sanitary facilities that do not meet the size standard,
- The layout of the bookshelves enables wheelchair access.
People with visual impairments:
- The library counter is located in the immediate vicinity of the entrance,
- There are no abrupt transitions from light to dark spaces in the building,
- The library has adapted material (audiobooks, books with large print) and equipment (reader, magnifier).
People with hearing impairments:
- The library counter is adequately lit and enables lip-reading and interpreting facial expressions,
- The reception desk glazing is non-reflective or non-glaring,
- The hall is equipped with an induction loop.
People with visual impairments:
- The glass doors do not have contrasting visual markings,
- The window of the reception desk does not have contrasting visual markings,
- The lift buttons do not have raised tactile letters,
- The edges of stairs do not have contrasting visual markings,
- The building has accessible sanitary facilities that do not meet the size standard,
- The path in the library is impeded by solitary obstacles (computer desk, bookshelves, corner seats, etc.).
People with hearing impairments:
- The library counter is not equipped with an induction loop.