Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN

Deafblind Association of Slovenia DLAN

Benefits for cardholders

Personal assistance for people with deafblindness (free)
Training and social rehabilitation for people with deafblindness (free)
Information and support for relatives (free of charge)
Individual professional counselling for people with deafblindness (free of charge)
Developing ways of communicating with the individual (free of charge)
Support for social inclusion (free)
Monitoring and interpreting in communication modes adapted to the individual (free)
Forms of advocacy for people with deafblindness (free)
Self-help group for relatives of people with deafblindness (free)
Group activities in the day centre with individual support (free)
Reducing social exclusion of people with deafblindness – social rehabilitation camps

Provider information

Basic info Working time
Check the provider's website for exact schedules!
Visit website Visit website

Monday: from 08:00 to 16:00
Tuesday: from 10:00 to 18:00
Wednesday: from 08:00 to 16:00
Thursday: from 08:00 to 16:00
Friday: from 08:00 to 16:00
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed

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